Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 50 - Sitting on a ferry

Nothing terribly exciting today - we boarded the ferry at a little after midnight and I went to bed as soon as I could.  Slept in, wrote some notes for the blog, had another crappy ferry food meal, and took a nap before disembarking in Argentia, NL.

The road out of the ferry terminal goes pretty much straight up (Welcome to the Rock!), and then rolls.  The scenery is extremely beautiful and the highway isn't too bad.  I was among the first off the boat and was a little tempted to just rock it straight into St John's - but I figured if I did that I'd miss out on actually getting to see Nfld as the light was fading.  Keep pushing that hammerhead mentality down and chill

I had pseudo-planned to stop in a little town shortly after Argentia, but I was enjoying riding and not paying too much attention  - so I missed it.  I ended up camping in pretty much the only option there is between the ferry and very close to St John's (not including stealth camping options).

A shower (this campsite has "shower times" - 2hrs in the AM and 2hrs in the PM.  If you miss them the lights are off and there's very little water - but if you wait long enough it does eventually warm up.  Very strange...), one last dinner of packet mee and assorted camp food, and I was off to bed. 

The Rock!

"Welcome to Newfoundland" (I hope you like climbing)

Stunning scenery...

Camp - one last time (and yes, I'm aware that my tarp isn't taut - I fixed it before bed)

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