Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Route...

Many people have been asking if I've got my route settled, if I'll be passing nearby/through x town, what my itinerary is, etc.  Here is a Google Map of my route:,+bc&daddr=HWY+3%2FHWY+3B%2FHWY+93+to:HWY+13+to:Dawson+Rd+to:Pim+St+to:King%27s+Hwy+6+to:Route+27%2FCounty+Rd-27+to:King%27s+Hwy+12+to:King%27s+Hwy+7+to:County+15+Rd%2FCounty+Rd-15+to:Franktown+Rd+to:Prince+of+Wales+Dr+to:Boulevard+Maloney+E+to:Route+148+to:Route+40+E+to:St+Peter+Ave+to:Hopedale+Rd+to:Route+1+E&geocode=FeSz7wId-w2p-CmN3LASwnOGVDEACnsqFTUBBQ%3BFVIb9AIdclYb-Q%3BFSLg9QIdpvLb-Q%3BFeRs4wIdDuCt-g%3BFZi4xQIdYmP5-g%3BFVrysAId4sYk-w%3BFRTYqAIdIEQ9-w%3BFV66qAIdXJJD-w%3BFYCwpAIdZHtN-w%3BFYugqwId2X17-w%3BFcnWsAIdFpJ5-w%3BFThdswId0eJ8-w%3BFcoEtgIdwD5--w%3BFSB_uAIdgsqK-w%3BFdZOwgIdVAKq-w%3BFfLU1gId-u4V_A%3BFUw0wwIdhDc5_A%3BFayE1gIdssDb_A&hl=en&mra=mr&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16&sll=45.721522,-63.231812&sspn=1.114059,2.142334&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=44.86755,-80.425415&spn=2.16463,4.224243&z=8

It's a little rough, but that's the general idea.  If it looks like I'm riding down a major freeway (like the 401 in Ontario, for example), I'm probably on a much smaller road that runs closely parallel to it (Hwy 2 in this case).  I do appreciate feedback from people however, as for much of this route I just picked what looked good on the map and have no freakin' clue as to whether that particular road is good for cycling or if riding there would be a deathwish.  So comment away and tell me I'm a dumbass - it's nothing I haven't heard before...  :p

As for an itinerary, I need to be near a moderate sized airport by Saturday, Aug 14th at the latest.  Regardless of whether I've been chillin' in St John's for a few days or for some reason never made it past Princeton, I'll be coming home.  I figure that barring any weird unforseen circumstances, making Montreal is a lock.  PEI should definitely be doable.  It's that last ~1400k push to St John's that's really in question to me.  We'll just have to see what the road and Fortune give me...

Speaking of Fortune, I just signed my online organ donor form (signing the back of your DL don't cut it no mo').  If you might die sometime, even if you aren't planning on it, you should sign up.  It's not like you'll be needing them where you're going...

BC peeps can do it here:


  1. Just an observation, but it's the KRAC tour not the KRACUSA tour. What's with the two dips into the US? Cheater! Also would have thought that #17 across Sudbury, North Bay to Ottawa would be faster than going through the Sault.

  2. The reason for the drop into Southern ON was so that I could pass through Kingston - where my sister lives with her husband and my soon-to-be 2yr old nephew. I`ve just figured out that I`m going to miss them, however, so I may indeed stick to the more Northerly route. That would save 2 days of riding.

    As for any forays into the USA, it`s not the KRACAOCNGITS (Khai Rides Across Canada And Only Canada, Never Going Into The States) tour... I`ve got no reason to cross in the Sault, but I`m planning a stop in Van Buren, ME assuming the timing works out.

  3. Yes, but explain the initial foray down the I-5? You trying to avoid some of the big climbs on the #3?

  4. That's totally weird - I never mapped that route! I had played with various options getting out of BC, either staying low on #3 or heading up through Glacier National Park and Banff, or even Wells Grey to Jasper - but never that route through WA!

    I wonder what happened there, and if there are any other detours I didn't originally plan? :p (The route I *thought* I posted had me sticking to Hwy3)

  5. Yeah, I can't actually see you riding down the I-5 - not even sure you're allowed!

  6. It also has a really interesting route mapped out for skirting the Southern coast of Nfld - largely by ferry, I'd assume... And skipping Winnipeg by going way south into ND and MN (though that doesn't seem like such a bad idea... :p)

    That's not anywhere close to what I had mapped - very odd indeed.
